Saturday, June 2, 2012

Anna Does Sorted: Teriyaki Ramen Noodles

This was my dinner tonight and I highly recommend it. The homemade teriyaki sauce was quite delicious.

Mine didn't look quite that fancy since I didn't have prawns and coriander and such but I did have onions and other vegetables. I'm definitely going to be messing around more with Ramen noodles in the future, making up new sauces and such. I probably should have taken some pictures of the deliciousness but I was too hungry to stop and document.

I highly recommend Sorted Food for more great and simple recipes; they have a recipe for anything you could ever want. The next thing I want to try is the homemade doughnut/donut recipe. I'm quite fond of donuts, yet somehow I missed getting a donut even though yesterday was National Donut Day. I'll make sure to get one next year.

But this makes two awesome meals in the last two weeks. The Monday before I left for California I made baked manicotti, which is by far one of my favorite dishes both to make and to eat. That recipe is from America's Test Kitchen. ATK recipes are a bit more in depth but well-worth all the trouble.

Well, I basically just wanted to brag about my awesome dinner. I'll get back to telling the epic story of the final day of the fake spring break road trip next time.

And to finally get back to a tradition I've been neglecting while documenting the trip to California:

Last YouTube video I watched: Adorable Squirrel and Table Topics

1 comment:

Becca said...

agreed deliciousness.